01708 741872 or 01708 747147
What do you need to do today?
Domestic Abuse Aware Practice
The staff in your GP practice are trained to ask about domestic abuse and specialist workers are available to support you. Your practice is an ‘IRIS’ practice. You can talk to the doctors, nurses or other staff working here, if you are being hurt or controlled by your current or ex-partner, are afraid of someone at home or a member of your family.
The IRIS service is for all GP patients and staff aged 18 or over, whatever age, gender, sexuality, ethnicity or background.
Social isolation can increase stress at home, impacting on you and your family’s well-being. Your GP practice is here to help you.
Please contact your GP for help and advice. They will refer you to the practices’ IRIS worker, the ‘IRIS Advocate Educator’.
If you are women you can self-refer by ringing Aanchal Womens Aid.
Phone: 0800 0124 924
Website: https://aanchal.org.uk/
If you are a man you can self-refer by ringing Men’s Advice Line
Phone: 0808 8010 327
Contact Us
Contact Us
Opening Times
8:00am – 6:30pm
8:00am – 6:30pm
8:00am – 6:30pm
8:00am – 6:30pm
8:00am – 6:30pm
Other Services
Call Emergency
If you have a life threatening medical emergency please dial 999. Chest pains and / or difficulty in breathing constitute an emergency.
You should only attend A&E if you need immediate care for something that is very serious or life-threatening. If your condition isn't life-threatening, in many cases you could be seen faster by using other local services in your community.
Feeling overwhelmed?
If you feel overwhelmed and need urgent help because you are worried that you might harm yourself or someone else, contact your local mental health crisis line. Trained professionals are there to help you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Mental Health Direct
0800 995 1000 (Free)
More information
Walk in or book an appointment
If you live in Barking and Dagenham or Havering, you can also get help with minor injuries and illnesses at our community Urgent Treatment Centre at the sites below. These are open 8am-9pm, seven days a week. You can call NHS 111 to book an appointment or walk in and wait to be seen.
Harold Wood Polyclinic
Mon to Sun 8am - 9pm
01708 57400
Barking Community Hospital
Mon to Sun 8am - 9pm