01708 741872 or 01708 747147
There are services where you can refer yourself, instead of needing to visit the GP. Here are some the local services below. Please be aware that some of these organisations may charge for their services.
Useful Links
Below are additional links to helpful services such as housing, benefits, council taxes, child health, mental health, relationship and more.
Local Advice Finder
Advice local helps you find information relating to: welfare benefits and tax credits; council tax, housing and homelessness - and more.
Website: www.advicelocal.uk
Citizens Advice
Citizens Advice centres can offer help on a range of things including benefits, housing issues, services and legal matters.
Website: www.citizensadvice.org.uk
Phone: 01708 763531
Relationship Problems
A service for adults from age 18 needing community mental health services in Havering.
Website: www.relate.org.uk
Phone: 01708 441722
Address: Langtons House, RM11 1XJ
Havering Access & Assessment
A service for adults from age 18 needing community mental health services in Havering. GP and self-referrals accepted.
Email: HAABIT@nelft.nhs.uk
Phone: 0300 300 1570
Struggling right now? If you feel you just need to talk to someone, call the number below.
Website: https://www.samaritans.org/
Phone: 08457 90 90 90
Child Health Advice
At St. Kilda’s, they have a drop-In clinic for Infant Care & Feeding Advice. Mon - Fri (9AM - 5PM)
Website: St . Kilda’s, 90 Eastern Road, RM1 3QA
Phone: 08457 90 90 90
Mental Health Services
If you live in Barking and Dagenham, Havering, Redbridge, Waltham Forest, Essex, Kent & Medway, you can call for mental health help and advice anytime of the day or night.
Phone: 0300 555 1000
Contact or visit the Peabody website for one-to-one support with housing issues in Havering.
Email: haveringfloatingsupport@peabody.org.uk
Phone: 01708 776 770
Website: www.peabody.org.uk